Josh is totally being a blog hog! He is just so funny and at a good age that I have to write some of the things he does. Last week it was my nephew Maxwell's birthday. I was telling the kids to get ready and in the car. Josh asked me where we were going. I told him we were going to the Dinosaur Park for Maxwell's birthday. Josh said, "aw mom, I don't want to go to the Dinosaur Park! I thought we were just going to a party." I told him that it was Maxwell's birthday, so he got to choose where we went. And that when it was his birthday, he could choose. Our conversation ended and we continued to get in the car.
We got to the party and about 30-35 minutes later, Josh went over to Maxwell's dad and said, "me and my mom thought this was going to be a really stupid party, but I'm having fun and I'm glad I came."
So he totally dragged me through the mud in a conversation that was completely different!
I can't even imagine what kind of things he is going to tell his kindergarten teacher next year!